Tuesday, 17 May 2016

How Loan Easy is solely working for Customers

How Loan Easy is working solely for the customers.

What are Loan Portals? A loan portal is an online comparison tool presenting information/loan offers from various banks on a single platform.

Loan Portals should ideally be used as research enhancers, to help one narrow down to bank options during the decision making stages of choosing a bank offer. It is also important to understand that loan portals at best provide estimations and not specific figures to any individual.

There are many loan portals out there, Loan Easy.in is one of them, and however this blog will highlight how Loan Easy is different from all the others in existence and how we are solely working for the customers.

Educational Material: A lot of the recent surveys indicate that a shocking 76% of the Indian population is financially illiterate. This causes a lot of misunderstanding of financial products and in many cases leads to miss-selling on part of the bank agents. The only way to counter this widely prevalent problem of miss-selling is to make critical loan related information easily available to all users, especially to first time home loan applicants. 

Since most of us go through the home loan application process not more than once or twice in a lifetime, a vast majority of us end up learning more about what to look for in home loans after having taking the loan, by such time it’s already too late for any corrective actions. At Loan Easy we present a wide range of topics and subjects aimed at a first time home loan applicants. Click here to read Loan Easy Blogs.

No Logins: As mentioned previously loan portals make all the various bank offers available at a single point of contact. However all this information comes at the cost of personal information like email ID and phone number? This personal information is then converted into a ‘lead’ and in most cases passed on to partnering banks. Loan Easy presents comparative data across banks without any login requirements from the customer. Only when you choose to go ahead with Loan Easy services, are you required to create a ticket based on Service Level agreements,

Self-Solicitation: We at Loan Easy believe that the customer should have the power to decide the offer best suited for him/her. This is why Online Home Loan  Easy presents each of its customers with a table of comparative data across banks, empowering the customers to make the best data driven decisions when it comes to choosing loans. Click here to get comparisons across banks for home loans.

End to End Loan Servicing: Most bank agents will stop calling you the minute after the loan is disbursed or in other words once the ‘sale’ is completed. Loan Easy’s services cover the entire life cycle of a loan. Our services are not limited to guiding customers save tax on Home loans post disbursal but also include extending support required to transfer an existing loan to a better bank offer. Learn more about our simplified 5 step home loan process.

Free Services: Loan Easy guides its customers with critical loan information during the decision making process and then extends support with door step documentation and loan application. Loan Easy then brings each of its customers a case by case specific quotation from the banks saving time wasted on visiting multiple banks.

We also follow up with the banks to ensure timely sanction and disbursal of the loans followed by providing post disbursal support like tax saving consultation, loan transfer support if required. All of these services rendered by Loan Easy are completely free of cost to its customers. Which also undersigns data privacy agreements ensuring that the confidentiality of all your data is maintained?

[Source: https://loaneasy.in/loaneasy-solely-working-customers/]

1 comment:

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